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CAST: Jimmy Jacobs, Matt Maverick

DIRECTOR: Cameron Matthews

RELEASE DATE: 5/10/2016

"You look so fucking serious, man. It`s just a rodeo match. It`s just two men and twenty feet of fucking rope and somebody about to get the fuck beat out of him."

If only Jimmy Jacobs could sum up all of our matches so eloquently!

You guessed it, Jacobs is at it again. This dude`s mouth never stops. As brash and obnoxious as that shock of pink hair and that chain around his neck, Jacobs would mouth off to a total stranger, even if he was three times his size. Hell, we`ve seen him do it in previous matches! Somebody should analyze Jacobs to determine the source of his appeal, because on paper he sounds like a guy you`d never notice. Not very tall, not very muscular. Yet he has that special something, charisma...and a sweet ass. He`s more than just a skillful wrestler, he`s sexy as fuck. One can only imagine what this oiled-up, nipple pierced prince in like between the sheets, but it`s sure as hell not boring! Following his exploits in the wrestling ring is an adventure, as Matt Maverick is about to find out.

Where does one ever start with the likes of Matt Maverick? This dude is almost beyond description. Go back in time to your childhood and pull out the heaviest action figure in the toy chest, the one with the most impossible proportions. Then blow him up to human size, and you`ve basically got Matt Maverick. Then imagine that same action figure man locking you down or rolling on top of you, sweat from his manly body dripping on you as you strain against him. Every inch of this dude is muscular, and we`re talking abdominal muscles like baseballs under the skin. Pectorals you could bounce a truck off of. And thighs. Those fucking tree-trunk thighs. Add to all of this to a to-the-moment beard and a cool disposition. This guy doesn`t get rattled easily, which is a key weapon when facing off with loudmouth Jacobs. Maverick has had one rodeo match prior to this, which he won. Jacobs is none too impressed.

"You and I could exchange hammerlock reversals all day long," says Jacobs, after his initial assholic introduction. "But let`s make this interesting..."

In comes the rope, the tape, the challenge.

"I know you`re undefeated," says Jacobs. "I know I`m undefeated, but after this then we`ll see who`s still undefeated."

This oughta be good...the action figure and the asshole...

Though unintended, the addition of a length of rope gives this match a heated, highly sexual charge, reminiscent of bondage porn in it`s chastest form. They circle, they strain, Maverick never even cracks a hint of a smile, despite Jacobs` endless yammering. But it`s Jacobs who gains the first hold, clutching Maverick in a headlock that somehow lands in some excruciating leg punishment. Maverick rises to his knees, turning to hold around on Jacobs, but the ropes are already horribly entangled around his leg. Soon Maverick finds himself being dragged around the ring like a baby calf.

"Come on, Magic Matt! Come on, Houdini!" Jacob`s laughs, planting his ass on Maverick`s back. Maverick decides he`s had enough. Soon Jacobs finds himself on the floor with the rope wrapped around his annoying mouth. Jacobs gags like a bitch on a dick. Maverick isn`t finished yet. Watch as those titanic thighs flex and work as Maverick finds his balance and center enough to really fuck with the pink haired joker.

"Fuck you, Maverick!"

"Fuck me? I don`t think you`re in a position to say fuck me!"

One almost wishes they would fuck.

A total back-and-forth match up, nothing one sided about the punishment and rivalry depicted here. These guys tear each other to pieces, leaving us with one hell of a surprise ending!

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