Can-Am Productions

  • $49.00
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CAST: Junglestud, Devin Powers, Maverick, Chris Duran, Dennis Riker, Robin King, Cliff Conlin,


RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2009

BOUT #1: JUNGLE STUD VS. DEVIN POWERS Jungle Stud: 5`9", 180#, Brown Eyes, Brown hair, 26 Devin: 5`11", 185#, Blue Eyes, Black hair, 24 Devin looks particularly good in his white boots and print brief trunks. Of course one of the ways we all like gorgeous looking grapplers like Devin Powers is the way they lose, and Devin suffers beautifully.
BOUT #2: MAVERICK VS. CHRIS DURAN Maverick: 5`11", 180#, Green Eyes, Brown hair, 25 Chris: 5`9", 185#, Green Eyes, Brown hair, 24 There is something about Maverick that strikes us as simply gorgeous. He is classically handsome, has a fabulous body. Beautifully defined, smooth, sexy! And Maverick, in the ring, is fearless. He`s a very good wrestler and he takes chances. And up against Duran who is a very quirky, yet dynamic and exciting wrestler himself..... well, this matchup offers excitement plus!
BOUT #3: DENNIS RIKER VS. RICH DAVIS Dennis: 6`1", 195#, Brown hair, Green Eyes, 23 Rich: 5`7", 160#, Brown eyes, Brown hair, 31 You might call this match-up a David and Goliath bout. There is simply no way that Rich Davis can win this bout. He`s sure gutsy to try! Dennis appears in white trunks and red bouts, Rich in all blue. Rich has a very hunky body, the product of years of working out. Hairy chested fans will love the fact that Rich has let his chest hair grow.
BOUT #4: TAG TEAM TIME! Jungle Stud and Robin King VS. Dennis Riker and Maverick with Cliff Conlin as Referee Two of the hottest lookers are the "good guys" - Dennis Riker and the hot, new, Maverick. The Jungle Stud and Robin King team, obviously, are the bad guys. But by the time the wrestling really gets going hot and heavy throughout the three falls, both sides employ vicious tactics, doublet eaming, behind the ref`s back shortcuts. The action is truly remarkable.,

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