BG Wrestling

  • $39.00
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CAST: Bobby Green, Dennis Riker, Jim Bradley, Johnny Kage, Rock Royce, Vito


RELEASE DATE: 6/2/2014

BOUT 1: BOBBY GREEN VS. JIM BRADLEY Jim is blond and very well muscled, but he is a lot smaller than Bobby Green. Therefore he is easy to lift and Bobby does that a lot in this match. Those of you who are into seeing bigger guys easily lift and carry smaller well muscled guys will enjoy this match. Jim is helpless as he is carried many times throughout. Needless to say Bobby wins this match in two straight falls. It`s not all Bobby, all the time. Jim does get in some licks, but they are basically ineffectual. He`s repeatedly floored.

BOUT 2: DENNIS RIKER VS. ROCK ROYCE Good give and take in this two out of three fall pro wrestling match. Dennis is uncharacteristically aggressive and does manage to take a fall. But he can`t outwrestle tough Rock Royce who can take it and dish it out as well. Dennis fades in the final part of the third fall and sets himself up for a final submission.

BOUT 3: VITO VS. JOHNNY KAGE You have to give a lot of credit to Vito. Vito is not afraid of anyone, big or small, muscled or not. He`s confident, very aggressive, and willing to take on any grappler. In this case perhaps he has bitten off more than he can chew. And while he does keep up with big Johnny Kage, and even takes a fall, he is more than outmatched in this two out of three fall match. Johnny gives it to Vito again and again. Vito takes a lot of punishment, dishes out some of his own, and manages to stay in the match up until the last part of the final fall.

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