Can-Am Productions

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CAST: Paul Perris,


RELEASE DATE: 6/1/2009

It would be very tough to find a wrestler who has generated as much interest since his debut in the Canadian Musclehunk series as Paul Perris. His legendary athletic abilities, his unbelievable ripped physique, an ass that seems carved from marble, and a face that can only be described as "come fuck me" sexy have many of you in a constant perpetual sexual lather. Join the crowd! No wrestler deserves more of a closer look, a VERY much closer look, than Paul Perris. Just to watch his ability to stretch, to do the splits, the contraction and flex of his muscles as he moves - is sheer bliss for the eye and "other" balls. So we were finally able to carve a couple of hours out of one of Paul`s days, put him in the wrestling ring and demand a "personal show" - just for you. Paul was told to do what he does best in the nightclubs of Canada - and much, much more! The result is a very sexy and intimate look at one of the hottest Musclehunks in Canada.
The video opens with Paul in a very tight, form fitting, blue singlet, white sox and white athletic shoes. He bends, stretches, flexes, then strips to a pair of very sexy Calvin Klein underwear. He then appears in form fitting grey athletic shorts with a red sash treating us to some of his expert and entertaining karate kicks. He follows this up with physique posing - in blue stretch spandex, again in his white Calvins (look out Marky Mark, you`ve got competition) and finally in a T-back. When Paul is down to his T-back, it`s "self-oil" time. When the T-back "comes" off revealing a hard cock, you may too. If you make it past this point you`ll witness a Paul Perris "self-love" feast as he spreads the oil all over his body - in every nook and cranny he can get to. The camera in turn makes love to Paul`s body from all angles. He humps the mat, he spreads his legs. His hard-on is examined, his butt-hole is looked into. Virtually every square inch of muscular, handsome Paul Perris is caressed by the camera - just for you!

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