I Give, I Give!

I Give, I Give!

Can-Am Productions

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CAST: Gabe Steele, Chad Daniels

DIRECTOR: Ron Sexton

RELEASE DATE: 7/1/2020

Gabe Steel is a perfectionist and a strict follower of Pro Wrestling gear etiquette. After being taught by Cameron Matthews and The Golden Terror, his temper rages against any newbie who dares challenge him in the ring or on the mat who doesn’t follow the rules. Trunks, boots and a temper!

Chad Daniels shows up in purple bikini briefs and no boots. Uh oh! Next, Gabe Steel shows up in his trademark turquoise and gold, ready to demolish the rookie for not knowing the rules of Pro Wrestling!

He taunts him for a bit, and then invites him to lock up. A flurry of devasting moves await Chad: a boorish bear hug! An over the knees stretch! After that, a back rack that also includes torture of the new kid’s nipples!! Then Gabe adds in a nice crush to those fucking nuts for wearing speedos instead of wrestling trunks!

Chad thinks he has a chance and comes after the golden Gabe, but of course, the Puerto Rican Papi catches him and serves a few hard knocks that leave Chad whimpering on the mat. Gabe decides to stretch him out with a boston crab, but of course, he adds his ballistic ball claw at the same time!

Gabe makes Chad submit again and again, and the dumb jobber keeps coming back for more. He must like it! Gabe delivers multiple back drops to the poor kids back. Then, Gabe declares that if the Kid doesn’t want to wear boots, well then, there is nothing better than to chew off his feet like a wolf!

Gabe is furious! What happened to actual opponents who put up a fight? This is an easy-peasy destruction. Chad submits once, and then Gabe makes him do it again, and again! But Chad keeps coming back! Kids these days have no respect. And Gabe is telling him: “Don’t mess with the bull, or you’ll get the horns!”

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