CAST: Christopher Bruce, Donnie Drake, Jobe Zander (Brad Boyer)
RELEASE DATE: 11/16/2010
Yeah. Can-Am exclusive Donnie Drake is hot. Very hot. He also has an ego the size of Texas. And very hot Donnie Drake gets beat up, shamelessly exhibited, and painfully humiliated... twice.... by Christopher Bruce, then Jobe Zander in this Donnie Drake gets squashed twice double feature on the same tape. Wearing a baby blue packed pouch bikini, Donnie suffers deliciously while getting the shit kicked out of him. Pro circuit favorite Christopher Bruce is first up to ride the "Donnie Express". There's a lot of give and take action, but it soon becomes clear this might not be Donnie's best day. Bruce mishandles and manhandles the Donnie body like a a squash rookie. You'll love it. Next up, wearing a skimpy silver bikini Donnie is flexing again wondering aloud if Can-Am pro vet Jobe Zander will show up. When Jobe arrives, mutual bad mouthing quickly turns into more bad luck and more pain for Donnie. This is a tough, hard fought, smack talking grudge match. There's more give and take punishment hold suffering, a ball crushing contest, pec clawing, choke holds, etc., all while watching the "Donnie Express" get beat up, worn down, and ultimately humiliated in a double squash meat beater. Donnie suffers. Donnie loses. You win. Twice.