CAST: Johnny Lightning, Ed Harte, Dirk Shannon, John St. James, Beau Hopkins, Vic Silver, Jeff Steel, Matt Cullen, Jimmy Dean, Rocky James,
RELEASE DATE: 3/27/2006
BOUT #1: JOHNNY LIGHTNING VS. ED HARTE: LIGHTNING: 5'10",190#, 21. HARTE: 5'9", 220#, 28. Johnny Lightning, a blond/blue eye with choir boy looks but the wrestling style of a devil. Ed Harte, a mountain of defined muscle. The potential of a bout like this is mind-boggling. Harte, in form fitting white trunks, vigorously loosens up; flashes some muscle crunching poses. Lightning, in orange trunks and not to be outdone, does the same. Uncharacteristically Harte opens up as the aggressor. He arm-drags Lightning to the mat, sets him up for a clothesline, and then secures him in a from the rear wraparound body scissors. Johnny is then tied up in the ropes, worked over, and again clotheslined. A leg tie-up, an attempted but failed double hammer, another clothesline. Harte applies a single hammer, in combination with a leg tie-up. With his one remaining free hand Lightning gropes upward, manages to get his hand around Harte's throat and throws him off. A well placed elbow drop, a tougher body slam, and a chest high body scissors in combination with an arm bar securely ties up Harte while Johnny recovers. Once Johnny does he gives Harte a wrestling lesson. Harte never recovers. He ends up draped over Johnny's back, his arms fully secured. Lightning spins him around slowly, letting us view Harte's magnificent, helpless body from all angles. BOUT #2: DIRK SHANNON VS. JOHN ST. JAMES: 5'11",180#, 25. ST. JAMES: 5'7",145#, 24. Dirk is a very muscular, quirky wrestler with an active imagination who loves to grapple. He enjoys inventing different kinds of approaches to wrestling holds & maneuvers. He loves even more to squash his opponents, to make them suffer. Dirk can take it, too. He has the stomach, the will, the aggressiveness to come out a continuous winner. As usual, John St. James eschews wrestling boots preferring to grapple only in form fitting yellow trunks. Dirk appears in yellow trunks and white wrestling boots. Dirk Shannon doesn't hesitate to pull hair, choke a throat, rake a chest along the ropes, or do whatever else is necessary to reverse any bad situation he finds himself in. BOUT #3: BEAU HOPKINS VS. VIC SILVER: HOPKINS: 5'11",200#, 21. SILVER: 5'7",190#, 33. Beau appears in his ever sexy orange trunks - the trunks that outline his cock and ride up his ass. Vic looks fantastic in form fitting purple speedos, Vic lays Beau out with a wonderful drop-kick, then with a punch to the gut. Beau bounces up, the ever eager look on his rookie face, anxious for more. He gets it. At one point, Vic reaches down to his laid out prone body, dusts him off, waits for him to get up. Vic throughout this bout neatly accentuates the veteran/rookie status with several humiliating gestures like this one. Beau is pounded, stretched, bent, pulled, thrown, poked, hoisted, squeezed, and humiliated. And he looks so good taking it. BOUT #4: JEFF STEEL VS. MATT CULLEN: STEEL: 5'10", 203#, 22. CULLEN: 5'11", 210#, 29. Jeff comes into the ring wearing very skimpy red briefs which leave half his ass hanging out. Matt is wearing a fuller cut of red trunks but which still manage to ride up his bodybuilder butt. The only thing Jeff has to really worry about is this body builder's great potential strength, and when Jeff ends up draped over his shoulder in a backbreaker yelling out his submission ending the second fall it definitely starts to look like worry time. So what do you do with a slow, rookie muscular giant? Put him to sleep for real. Jeff Steel does! BOUT #5: JIMMY DEAN VS. ROCKY JAMES: DEAN: 5'10",160#, 19. JAMES: 5'8",173#, 22. When Jimmy secures a standing full nelson on Rocky and starts to pour on the pressure he asks James to submit. Rocky declines, but when Jimmy picks him up and starts spinning him in this same hold Rocky suddenly reaches his decision. It is, "I give"! When Rocky James suddenly comes to life in the second fall and has Jimmy, for the first time, in a little trouble, Dean makes sure he keeps control with a shot square to Rocky's balls. For Rocky James it's all downhill from there as Dean goes on to totally annihilate him.