BOUT #1: ED HARTE VS. MARCO DENETTI: Harte is in white trunks, Denetti in blue. As the match begins you'll be amazed by Denetti's aggressiveness and the verbal abuse heaped on Harte. While Ed gets in a mean cross body scissors that has Denetti screaming for mercy, it is Denetti who has Harte on the defensive throughout the whole first fall and who ultimately prevails with a very nice camel clutch. To see these two in the greasy oil grappling pit rolling around with oil dripping off their huge hairy muscularity will be a dream cum true for many. For those who like squashes with lots of holds you'll like the third fall. To begin Harte's slow destruction Denetti secures him in a unique full nelson with Harte's arms trapped above his head. It's long, slow and agonizing for Harte, but he won't give it up, in spite of Marco's taking a couple of bites out of Ed's neck along the way.
BOUT #2: JIMMY ROYCE VS. BEAU HOPKINS: No matter what angle or side you look at these grapplers, it's a turn-on. As if sensing his rival for the sexiest body and look in Canadian Musclehunk wrestling, Beau Hopkins uncharacteristically attacks Royce First - and with a clothesline yet! He follows up with an air constricting cross body scissors. Jimmy Royce is on his stomach and as usual his sexy trunks have disappeared in the crack of his ass - a large fissure that nests between those bubble buttocks. Jimmy soon gets tired of being humiliated by the job boy of Canadian Musclehunk wrestling, and turns it around. But Beau Hopkins will not be denied his day. In spite of the times he's under Royce's control, and they are considerable, he keeps coming back. One of the hottest oil matches, if not the hottest, to date.
BOUT #3: JOHNNY LIGHTNING VS. TROY LUCAS: Johnny proves that whether it's on the mat or on your feet, he is a worthy competitor - and this matchup is indeed more competitive than most. Before the final submission in the first fall a surfboard which highlights Lucas' incredible wash board abs, he is subjected to all kinds of wonderful "hold" abuse. He is forced to say, "I give Johnny Lightning." Lightning is not getting away Scott free however without first tasting the agony of defeat. And a beauty it is! His second fall loss in a combination full nelson/body scissors with the camera "down and dirty" peering into his crotch and looking at his face is a classic. Lightning's face has a classic pained expression that could be framed under the title, "agony of defeat!" It's a beaut! But by the time the third fall is well under way it's very apparent that Troy Lucas is tiring, that he can't stand up to the constant wrestling pressure from Johnny Lightning, that he is fading.
BOUT #4: PAUL PERRIS VS. JOHN ST. JAMES: With his sexy muscularity, his incredible ass, his martial arts ability, his very limber body, and his ultra handsome face, Paul Perris has come on the Canadian scene with a thunderous roar. Whether he wins or loses is not important. It's how he looks doing either which is. To show off more of Paul Perris, in this oil matchup, we induced him to grapple in a thong. Paul Perris was one of the wrestlers John St. James wanted to (foolishly) grapple and defeat. And, in "on the mat" style wrestling, John, wrestling in red trunks, did have a technical advantage which shows up in the first fall. Paul is shocked to lose to the much lighter St. James via a double arm bar. Humiliated by St. James in the first fall, Perris is determined not to let it happen again. It doesn't. He goes on to win the second and third. St. James keeps the contest competitive. He does not roll over for a squash, but Perris does hold most of the advantage cards and he uses them well. In the third fall Perris slaps on a double hammer and chin lock. St. James is hurting but doesn't give in. St. James is brought to his feet. He suffers two karate kicks. This softens him up for the ultimate decider, an over the knee backbreaker. He's total mashed potatoes by the end of this match.
BOUT #2: JIMMY ROYCE VS. BEAU HOPKINS: No matter what angle or side you look at these grapplers, it's a turn-on. As if sensing his rival for the sexiest body and look in Canadian Musclehunk wrestling, Beau Hopkins uncharacteristically attacks Royce First - and with a clothesline yet! He follows up with an air constricting cross body scissors. Jimmy Royce is on his stomach and as usual his sexy trunks have disappeared in the crack of his ass - a large fissure that nests between those bubble buttocks. Jimmy soon gets tired of being humiliated by the job boy of Canadian Musclehunk wrestling, and turns it around. But Beau Hopkins will not be denied his day. In spite of the times he's under Royce's control, and they are considerable, he keeps coming back. One of the hottest oil matches, if not the hottest, to date.
BOUT #3: JOHNNY LIGHTNING VS. TROY LUCAS: Johnny proves that whether it's on the mat or on your feet, he is a worthy competitor - and this matchup is indeed more competitive than most. Before the final submission in the first fall a surfboard which highlights Lucas' incredible wash board abs, he is subjected to all kinds of wonderful "hold" abuse. He is forced to say, "I give Johnny Lightning." Lightning is not getting away Scott free however without first tasting the agony of defeat. And a beauty it is! His second fall loss in a combination full nelson/body scissors with the camera "down and dirty" peering into his crotch and looking at his face is a classic. Lightning's face has a classic pained expression that could be framed under the title, "agony of defeat!" It's a beaut! But by the time the third fall is well under way it's very apparent that Troy Lucas is tiring, that he can't stand up to the constant wrestling pressure from Johnny Lightning, that he is fading.
BOUT #4: PAUL PERRIS VS. JOHN ST. JAMES: With his sexy muscularity, his incredible ass, his martial arts ability, his very limber body, and his ultra handsome face, Paul Perris has come on the Canadian scene with a thunderous roar. Whether he wins or loses is not important. It's how he looks doing either which is. To show off more of Paul Perris, in this oil matchup, we induced him to grapple in a thong. Paul Perris was one of the wrestlers John St. James wanted to (foolishly) grapple and defeat. And, in "on the mat" style wrestling, John, wrestling in red trunks, did have a technical advantage which shows up in the first fall. Paul is shocked to lose to the much lighter St. James via a double arm bar. Humiliated by St. James in the first fall, Perris is determined not to let it happen again. It doesn't. He goes on to win the second and third. St. James keeps the contest competitive. He does not roll over for a squash, but Perris does hold most of the advantage cards and he uses them well. In the third fall Perris slaps on a double hammer and chin lock. St. James is hurting but doesn't give in. St. James is brought to his feet. He suffers two karate kicks. This softens him up for the ultimate decider, an over the knee backbreaker. He's total mashed potatoes by the end of this match.