RELEASE DATE: 4/21/2011
BOUT #1: VIC SILVER VS. LINK DECKER Vic Silver: 5’8â€, 174#, Black hair, Blown eyes, 31yo,(White trunks/Green boots)Link Decker: 5’7â€, 195#, Black hair, Brown eyes, 34yo(Yellow trunks/White boots) Vic Silver had his work cut out for him. His long experience, plus his agility, ability, and endurance, in this case, counted big time. This is a long, long one fall bout to submission. The sweat rolled off Link Decker like water going over Niagara Falls. By the end of the bout his body is literally bathed in sweat as it glistens under the bright lights. These two guys lay into each other as each of them goes for the gold. Those into seeing leg destruction and leg holds will definitely turn on to this bout. The two grapplers go after each other’s legs with single-mindedness. BG believes that Vic Silver suffered more pain and indignities in this bout than any other in his long BG history. He has to look within himself for a big second wind in order to overcome the assault on his legs as Link Decker methodically cuts him down. The second wind does come. First it’s Link’s eyes, then it’s a pile driver, then a choke. Link, although trying very hard as he struggles all the way is now himself methodically cut down as Vic gives him some big payback. It is a very painful and long held figure-four leg lock that is the decider. Appropriate! BOUT #2: SCOTT RANDSOME VS. JAKE SCORPIO Scott Randsome: 5’8â€, 180#, Blond hair, Brown eyes, 21yo(Red trunks/Red boots)Jake Scorpio: 5’9â€, 185#, Brown hair, Hazel eyes, 28yo(Blue trunks/White boots) Jake Scorpio has this nasty way of adding to Scott’s pain in this fall. When he secures him in a cross body scissors and then later a hammerlock, he keeps kneading the end of his knotty elbow into various Randsome body parts. When Jake tires of torturing Randsome in these holds, he brings him off the mat and puts him into a “hangman.†Scott submits. When Jake Scorpio gets a side headlock on Scott, throws him into the corner, and starts really working him over, BG thinks it won’t be long before “job-boy†Scott loses yet another bout. But when Jake goes to the opposite side of the ring and rushes Randsome intending to body-block, Scott manages to step aside at the last minute and Scorpio crashes into the corner. Then with a leg lock, a hammer, a beal, and a figure four head scissors, Scott manages to wear Scorpio down even more. And even though Scott is bitten in the leg, clothes lined, and hammer locked again he does manage to this one with a camel clutch. It’s all even going into the final fall. The third fall is an exciting one with frequent reversals. You can tell both wrestlers would like to come out the victor and will do what is necessary to win. The fall opens with Scorpio taking the advantage with a beal and flying body smash that flattens Randsome to the mat. An eye rake reverses the advantage to Scott who follows up with a side headlock, a corner assault and a beal out to the mat. A reversal shifts match control back to Scorpio who then takes Scott Randsome through a body splash, side headlock, cross body-scissors, a sitting full nelson and a body bend (forcing the opponents leg and head together while lying flat on his back on the mat.) An eye rake reverses the bout yet again to Scott’s favor. The pressure to win is increasing and Randsome takes tougher steps with a choke-out and mat head smashing on his opponent. A desperate eye rake brings Scorpio back to control and he goes on to lock an on the mat surfboard taking Randsome to yet another defeat. BOUT #3: DONNIE RUPERT VS. FRANK RIZZO Donnie Rupert: 6’, 165#, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 19yoFrank Rizzo: 5’9â€, 140#, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 19yo Two wrestlers not long out of high school decided to do a “shoot†match for BG. There are two things that make this bout kind of fun. First off the smaller guy is surprisingly aggressive and more than holds his own – even winning the 2nd fall against the taller and heavier Donnie. Then to make it even more interesting and exciting, BG decided to throw a cash bonus to the winner of the 3rd fall. Knowing that the winner will get a cash bonus for making the other submit in the 3rd fall adds a kind of spice to the conclusion of this entertaining freestyle wrestling match-up. BOUT #4: A.J. ANTHONY VS. FRANK HARRIS A.J. Anthony: 5’8â€, 140#, Brown hair, Green eyes, 18yo(Green trunks/Red boots)Frank Harris: 5’7â€, 160#, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 20yo(Yellow trunks/White boots) Frank wins two straight falls, one by an arm stretch combined with a head scissors and one by a simple long, slow, standing choke-out. A.J. Anthony doesn’t make things easy for his opponent. There are many reversals along the way and Frank has to work for his victories. But A.J. Anthony needs a lot more training and experience before he can consider himself in any way shape or form a “pro wrestler.†But half of the fun of seeing these rookies come into a pro ring such as the Arena is of course the visual aspect. The other half is seeing how a rookie is able to do in his debut bout. Knowing perhaps this is their first and last bout. The humiliation of losing, the humiliation of not being as good as you though you could be. These “head trips†take a toll and drive many a would-be rookie from the ring after only one match. But BG treasures those “one-fersâ€, knowing this is a unique appearance before a BG camera and one that BG will value forever.