Total Jobber

Total Jobber

Can-Am Productions

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CAST: Ace Owens, Lucky Larson

DIRECTOR: Ron Sexton

RELEASE DATE: 4/18/2018

Lucky Larson just wants to do some pushups in peace. The bald, beautiful, sneaker-wearing jobber wants to work on that fine physique of his. Enter bully brawler Ace Perry, hard for a bullying session that allows him to be on top.

“This is my locker room?” taunts Ace, laying into Larson hard, riding his back, clenching his neck, and taunting him with expertly delivered trash talk. Larson eats Ace’s balls, feels his knee pushed deep in his back, and tastes the sweat of his armpits and is ridden like a pony. Ace, for his part, smiles like a kid at Christmas, enjoying his pathetic jobber bitch toy. How much can pain can pathetic Larson take?

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