Can-Am Productions

  • $49.00
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CAST: Keith Powers, Dirk Shannon, Paul Perris, Johnny Bravo, Steve Sterling,


RELEASE DATE: 10/6/2003

Introducing the all new Can-Am Connoisseur Series... QUINTESSENTIAL SUBMISSIONS. If you consider yourself a connoisseur of video wrestlers, and are familiar with superstar video wrestler Steve Sterling... you can readily understand why Can-Am Video is starring Steve Sterling in its first Quintessential Submissions production "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA." And if you accept the definition(s) of "quintessential" as (1) The last and highest essence or power in a natural body; (2) The essence of a thing in its most concentrated form; or (3) The consummate instance of quality and class... you can also understand why Can-Am's only choice to inaugurate its new series was Steve Sterling. When most of you first discovered Steve Sterling almost four years ago, Steve had just won the Mr Teenage America contest at age 19. If you're like most video wrestling fans, discovering Steve Sterling was like striking gold. There had never been another video wrestler with Steve's chiseled competition musculature... Steve's movie star good looks... Steve's bodacious bubble butt... or Steve's win-at-all-costs attitude. 99 out of 100 video wrestling customers became instant die-hard Steve Sterling fans. Four years later (present day) Steve's body is bigger better hotter and harder. Steve's face is still movie star good looking. Steve's world class ass is now beyond comparison. And... good news for wrestling aficionados... Steve has trained hard to become a focused, musclebound mat machine that systematically destroys his opponents. So it's not surprising that Can-Am Productions boss Ron Sexton contracted big bucks to "import" the sensational Steve Sterling to Toronto to face four of Can-Am's hottest wrestlers... Keith Powers (young, eager, bodybeautiful), Dirk Shannon (experienced, treacherous, bodybeautiful), Paul Perris (skilled, athletic, bodybeautiful), and Johnny Bravo (strong, determined, bodybeautiful). "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA" delivers these four fucking delicious opponents in four fucking eye boggling matches (two in oil, two pro style). And if the "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA" title suggests to you that the former Mr Teenage America beats the shit out of Keith, Dirk, Paul, and Johnny... not only are you right, but you're gonna love Steve's muscle mashing mayhem. But that's not to say the Canadian Bodypack doesn't get in their hits, kicks, and licks. Trust us when we tell you Steve Sterling suffers mercilessly at the hands of Toronto's finest. But the harder they beat him, the harder he works to beat them. And beat them he does wearing very brief custom made red, white, and blue second skin bikinis. Whether Steve's bikinis are virtually transparent in the oil matches, or wedgied sweat-wet up his in-your-dreams ass in the pro matches... you are in for one of the truly unforgettable bodybeautiful wrestling visuals ever committed to video tape. Believe this. Ron Sexton would simply not inaugurate his Can-Am Connoisseur Series with "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA" if it were not the best of the best. Steve Sterling fans... get out your checkbooks because you know your satisfaction is guaranteed. Steve Sterling know-nots... buy this video and join the legions of video wrestling fans that think the 24 year old competition bodybuilder is also... the best of the best. Gentlemen... if rock hard, sweat wet, bone crushing, muscle wrenching, body beautiful, erotic action pro wrestling is your prurient sport of choice... you'll strike gold when "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA."

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