Sexy Muscleboy Pro 1
CAST: Cali-Boy, Christian Thorn
DIRECTOR: Ron Sexton
RELEASE DATE: 6/27/2018
Cali-Boy looks like the prettyboy in highschool that you always wanted to strip down and wrestle. You always knew under that letterman jacket was the body of a god. Cali-Boy stands barefoot and pumped, primed for the fight of his life, his sizable package casting shadows in his yellow speedo. Enter “Aladdin on Steroids†Christian Thorn, in red boots and speedos, ready to rip the prettyboy apart in the ring.Teeth gritted, muscles bulging, packages bulging too...it’s time for these two strapping studs to struggle and scrap and sweat, their glossy chests and back muscles dripping, their abs tense and chiseled as they roll, wrench, ride, and wreak havoc on each other...our camera zooming in to give you first class seats to all the epic, youthful musculature you crave!