CAST: Paul Perris, Roman Stone,
RELEASE DATE: 4/26/2010
Once upon a time there were two cousins growing up together in Poland. As they matured, both young athletes got into kick-boxing and bodybuilding. Both cousins drempt of someday coming to Canada, then America, to get into movies and become the new generation Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean Claud Van Damm. Upon arrival in Toronto, one cousin renamed himself Paul Perris, and the other cousin renamed himself Roman Stone (AKA Jamie Cutler). Both cousins continued kick-boxing and weight training to develop two of the most spectacular bodies you`ll ever see in video wrestling. Not long ago, Toronto based video producer Ron Sexton introduced the Can-Am Connoisseur Series... QUINTESSENTIAL SUBMISSIONS. Sexton`s first Quintessential Submissions / Connoisseur Series production was the mega best seller "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA." Realizing "STEVE STERLING CONQUERS CANADA" would be a very hard act to follow, Sexton knew the second video in his Connoisseur Series had to be dynamite. And who better to star in the second video of the series than real life muscle cousins Paul Perris and Roman Stone in their awesome "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD." In addition to both musclemen being absolutely breathtaking, their "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD" is clearly and unmistakingly one-of-a-kind and way-out-in-front of the wrestling video pack. Perris and Stone enter Can-Am`s Toronto Studio ring in their kick-boxing "suits," and begin taunting each other with their kick-boxing skills. Aggressively competitive since childhood, both Perris and Stone quickly become very serious about victory over the other, and soon childhood friendship is forgotten and their match becomes and all-out "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD." Kick-boxing suits are torn off to reveal very sexy stretch bodygear. As tempers flare, their bodygear gets torn off to reveal very skimpy bikinis. By now the action has escalated from controlled, skilled kick-boxing to down-and-dirty pro wrestling. After a savage and painful give-and-take struggle, one of the Polish powerhunks beats the other into unconsciousness... but the victor still isn`t finished with the vanquished. He actually carries his unconscious opponent from the pro ring to the oil ring where he commences to teach his bodybuilder cousin a brutal wrestling lesson... in oil. By the end of the pro wrestling action, not only have Perris and Stone earned a wrestling match bonus for action above and beyond the call of competition... but have most probably earned a wad or two from you. But if you can take even more action, Perris and Stone aren`t finished with you yet. Not by a L-O-N-G shot. "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD" delivers three separate and distinct muscle wrestling "scenes." One... advanced kick-boxing competition action. Two... dirty and brutal pro wrestling action. And three... spectacular muscles-in-oil punishment wrestling action. Now... get this. All three muscle action wrestling "scenes" are on one just-over-one-hour tape at an astonishing $39.00. Taped in Toronto. Edited and distributed from Hollywood. Ron Sexton`s truly sensational "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD" blows the wrestling video competition out of the ring with the ONLY kick-boxing plus pro style plus muscle wrestling in oil video on the market. All three action styles in one mind-blowing match. Remember, Gentlemen, this is the second of Can-Am`s Connoisseur Series so you know it`s hot. Paul Perris and Roman Stone deliver more muscle action than any three wrestling matches you`ve ever seen... for $39 bucks! Who wins? You do! Order now so Perris and Stone can perform for you.... two-on-one. This match has no match........ guaranteed!