CAST: Paul Perris, Billy Vochek
RELEASE DATE: 6/18/2010
If you bought or saw "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD 1," you`re probably already dialing 1-800-603-5109 to order KABBF2. Smart call because KABBF2 is not only totally awesome but a totally original erota / kink wrestling video innovation from Can-Am`s boss Ron Sexton. To be sure his Toronto studio produced the hottest KABBF2 possible, Sexton ordered the brutally gruelling 8 hour shoot taped twice to choose the best version for release. Paul Perris (spectacularly muscled up for his upcoming debut role in a major Hollywood action epic) and fearless young Polish competition kickboxer Billy Vochek outdid themselves in both tapings. In KABBF2 / Version One, Perris fights in grey tights and a coral bikini. Vochek fights in white tights and a silver grey bikini. In KABBF2 / Version Two, Perris fights in white tights and a yellow bikini. Vochek fights in purple tights and a pink bikini. Sexton`s storyline in both versions are similar, but since the versions were shot on different days, the high velocity action differs intensely. But musclestud Perris does get tied up, wrists suspended in the center of the ring, and viciously punched and kickboxed into unconsciousness in both versions. WARNING: Perris endures awesome brutality in both prolonged scenes. Since both versions are so explosively hot, Ron Sexton offers you both versions with this money-saving deal. Buy KABBF2(1) for $39.00. Or buy both KABBF2(1) and KABBF2(2) for $59.00 saving yourself $20 bucks for the pleasure. Collectively both versions contain three hours of the most astonishingly heavy pro ring, oil pit, kickboxing, bondage punishment action imaginable. Your best buy? Both... of course... just to watch movie muscleman Perris get strung up and take the beating of his life... twice. NOTE: Can-Am brochure 9 announced "PAUL PERRIS EXPOSED" would be Paul`s last video before starring as the lead in the world tour of "MORTAL KOMBAT." In Toronto at the tour`s end, Perris agreed to do "KICK-ASS BODYBUILDER FEUD 2" as another personal favor to Ron Sexton for the legions of Paul Perris fans. Perris will soon go before the cameras in Hollywood in a major motion picture action epic. Order up... Perris is getting hotter by the day.