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CAST: Brian Cage, Danny Duggan

DIRECTOR: Cameron Matthews

RELEASE DATE: 5/10/2016

It`s hard to believe we`ve already reached our NINTH title in the "I`ll Make You Suffer" series! Cyberfights customers like you demanded more, voting this series as their favorite in recent surveys. Well, you asked for more, and we`ve got one hell of a match for you!

So, you like watching massive muscle men fight? These guys hold nothing back from the instant this match starts.

"Let`s fight, big man. I`m ready to go. I came here to fight."

"Thought we were cool?"

"We`re not cool. I don`t like you. I`m gonna show you how much I don`t like you."

Yep. Right out of the fuckin` gate! In less than a minute, these two colossal fighters are locked up and hammering themselves together like a pair of rams on a mountaintop. Slow down! Let`s talk about Danny Duggan. Just try not to wish he`d wrap his arms around you. Was he pulled from the pages of a History of the Male Physique textbook? This golden god of a guy strikes a mean pose, perfection in profile, like an old fashioned beefcake model, straight out of the 1950`s, complete with the massive rib cage.

Speaking of cages, his opponent? None other than Brian Cage, so muscular he looks like he`s wearing an inflatable suite. But from that first smashing collision, you can hear it, he`s all muscle, stone, force, and fierceness.

And now, back to the suffering...

What makes this match special is the incredible amount of floor grappling these big beast engage each other in. It`s not every day you see men this massive literally rolling around on the floor, and it`s an inspiring site to see. Wrestling in it`s purest form is unintentionally erotic, and the commitment these brutes have toward the discipline, accompanied by deep groans and sweat, charge the entire scene with a sexual fire you`d be hard-pressed to deny.

Duggan manages to force Cage to the floor, where he mashes his face with fingers spread wide. The bigger man moans, as his impossibly huge legs are locked up in a superior scissor hold by Duggan, who has confessed to not liking Cage from the start.

Ever find yourself longing to see a massive man caught in a punishing camel clutch? Just wait for it, as Duggan grinds and rides his opponents ass and back like a bronco buster. Soon it gets surprisingly nasty with hair-pulling, face-mauling, and even biting. Duggan drags Cage across the floor. Cage turns it around, only to take some brutal ball busting as punishment.

Again and again, these guys muscle each other in and out of brutal holds, simply seeming to enjoy watching the other man relinquish his power, only to gain it back momentarily. Just try to tear your eyes away from your screen when the eventual victor of this battle literally forces his worthy opponent to his knees, placing both titans in a total attitude of both defeat and victory, the bitch on his knees, worshiping the better man. It`s one breathtaking punishment after another, in a total battle of wills in which there is no love lost between these glorious athletes, each willing to do whatever it takes to get that final victorious pin.

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