CAST: Jobe Zander (Brad Boyer), Tyler St. James
RELEASE DATE: 2/17/2012
Pouch-packed in red Speedos, Jobe Zander shows up for the "crotch match" in full mouth and loud bluster. Waiting in the ring is Jobe's opponent major muscle hunk Tyler St. James packing yellow trunks and full body muscle armour. Happily for you squash match fans, your very hot bad boy Jobe gifts you this time with a "muscle" squach match. Skilled and experienced, Jobe manhandles and mistreats Tyler St. James like a punching bag side of beef. Watching this beat off squash mash, you almost wonder if muscle god Tyler actually likes getting the shit beat out of him. He almost lets Jobe punish him. And, as the title promises, this is a physical torture cock and ball crotch punishment marathon. Crotchies and wedgies. Wedgies and crotchies. We've said before that Can-Am veteran Jobe Zander loves his work and happily works overtime for you. Which means his take-it-all muscle squash victim suffers overtime for you. Hate the name if you like, but you gotta love Boss Sexton's battered baskets series "deCROTCHery". This is number 3. Get this video, and complete your collection. Just a little post script here.. Tyler St. James suffers l-o-n-g and LOUD.