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CAST: Alex Pinchek ,Brett Barnes ,Davey Richards ,Derek Neikirk ,Frankie Kazarian ,G.Q. Gallo ,Gq Gallo ,JA JAKOBE ,Jä Jakobe ,Johnny Handsome ,Matt Stryker ,Mike Dempsey ,Mikey Henderson ,Shane Madison ,Shatter ,Travis Lee

DIRECTOR: Taylor Thomas

RELEASE DATE: 5/30/2006

Ja Jakobe vs Shane Madison vs Johnny Handsome
Matt Stryker vs Mikey Henderson
Davey Richards vs Brett Barnes
Mike Dempsey vs Matt Stryker
Alex Pinchek vs Brett Barnes
Derek Neikirk / Shatter vs GQ Gallo / Travis Lee
Frankie Kazarian vs Mikey Henderson

It`s a Show Down from start to finish in CyberFights 100! Brawny Johnny Handsome takes another shot at Shane Madison in match one. This 3-way submission match pits them against Ja Jakobe. Johnny wants revenge on Shane for the beating he took in CyberFight 99, so he allies himself with Ja to teach Shane a lesson. Shane makes it about half way through before succumbing in a painful submission. But Ja learns when you play with the devil, you`re gonna get burned. Because Johnny is now out to win, and poor Ja is going to suffer. Match two pairs up the ever entertaining Mikey Henderson with did-he-take-his-meds-today Matt Stryker. Matt`s got a unibrow, and he`s damn proud of it. Mikey keeps asking the ref for tweezers, and uses his headlocks to pull out a hair or two. Everyone knows Mikey loves to tease his opponents, but the hair tweezing may have gone one step too far, because Matt is enraged enough to fake him out and take the match. Match three puts fair haired Texan, Brett Barnes, against quietly evil Davey Richards, in non stop pounding punishment. Brett`s in black trunks and Davey`s in white, so someone must have reversed the outfits, because there`s nothing good about Davey here - other than his wrestling skills. He ends up torturing Brett`s knees, hobbling the Texas titan enough to take the match. Match four is a behind the scenes training session. Matt Stryker was feeling unusually good natured, and offered to teach newbie Mike Dempsey a few moves. Problem is, Mike really is green, and Matt`s benevolence is slowing turning to impatience fueled anger. Poor Mike better catch on fast, or they`ll be sending this student home on a stretcher! Match five is the continuation of CyberFights 93`s crushing defeat of Kurt Sterling at the hands of Alex Pinchek and Brett Barnes. (Kurt`s probably still got a few marks left from that one.) But with Kurt long gone, Alex and Brett must now fight for the finish - because, as always, there can be only one. So the former allies who took down the mighty Kurt, now become bitter foes. Match six is another terrific tag team with Derek Niekirk and Shatter, taking on GQ Gallo and Travis Lee. Niekirk is the kind of guy you never want to piss off, and never want to meet in a dark alley. And Shatter may not be huge, but he`s like a loaded spring gun - lethal when triggered. GQ and Travis are all about protecting their money making faces - but don`t count them out. The two manage to subdue their bad-ass opponents, and Shatter is going to have to answer to Niekirk. Match seven is a good old fashioned, old school, power match between two evenly matched fighters - Frankie Kazarian and Mikey Henderson. Mikey never disappoints his fans, and Frankie`s got the skills, so keep the remote handy to rewind the action for another look. CyberFights 100 is a Show Down that delivers a tremendous show!

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