CAST: Skip Roberts, Andy Sutton, Steve Gregory, Mike Moorehouse, Tom Flex, Larry Janson, Hugh Bogart, Peter Ravell
RELEASE DATE: 9/26/2008
In the best selling tradition of the nine previous videos in this series, CANADIAN MUSCLEHUNK WRESTLING 10 is a bodybeautiful bonanza. Eight musclehunk athletes brutalize each other in four down-and-dirty pro actioners guaranteeing #10 as the hottest of this series. Match One: MIKE MOOREHOUSE VS STEVE GREGORY. In pink bikinis, young very handsome Steve Gregory gets the dangerously athletic beating of his life from muscular, high-flying, dirty-talking Mike Moorehouse in peach bikinis. Evenly matched for the first two falls, Mike uses Steve`s loosened boot laces to helplessly hogtie the youthful athlete for a forced crotch facial and painful third fall submission and match loss. Match Two: TOM FLEX VS ANDY SUTTON. Can-Am favorite Flex in crotch-bulge blue bikinis has never looked more muscular as he suffers a very surprising match upset from yellow bikinied Andy Sutton. Flex takes fall one with an over-the-knee back breaker; and Andy retaliates taking fall two with a very unique double arm cinch spinal adjustment. Tom Flex body watchers will love the way Andy painfully displays Tom`s magnificent muscularity in one punishing hold after another finally putting Tom out cold with a prolonged sleeper choke hold. Match Three: PETER RAVELL VS SKIP ROBERTS. In this battle of the muscle boys, incredibly hot Skip Roberts in coral bikinis beats and beats and beats blue bikinied Peter Ravell to a prolonged agony third fall submission with an inverted Boston crab back breaker. Both boys have great bodies and both bodies take LOTS of punishment. Match Four: HUGH BOGART VS LARRY JANSON. Hugh in peach bikinis and Larry in yellow deliver another body watchers bruiser match. With lots of taunting dirty talk, Larry forces loud mouth Hugh to submit to a humiliating neck and back breaker for fall one. Out to win no matter how, Hugh goes straight for Larry`s throat for a second fall choke hold submission. Bigger and more muscular, Hugh`s weight advantage and street fighting technique wins the match for him with an inescapable leg scissor sleeper. Can-Am`s CANADIAN MUSCLEHUNK WRESTLING 10 delivers the hottest bodies, hardest action, and best production values in the video wrestling industry. Jack-off satisfaction guaranteed!