BG Wrestling

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CAST: Andy Bailey, Danny Brown, John Borsos, John St. James, Michael Cummings, Michael Reuter, Rocky Waters, Romeo, Thom Katt, Tommy Lopez


RELEASE DATE: 8/14/2015

BOUT 1: THOM KATT VS. MICHAEL CUMMINGS Thom loves to trash young, handsome, nicely built, cute grapplers and in Michael Cummings he has found his ideal. Attired in a tight wrestling singlet that if anything emphasizes his “large promise”, Michael is bounced around the wrestling mat like the little “boy-toy” he really is. BG had to admit though that Cummings was a spunky little devil – coming back time and again for further Katt abuse – both verbal and physical. Through nerve holds, biting, claws, choking, ball grabbing, Katt keeps up a constant and debilitating pressure on Cummings. It`s two straight falls for the vicious Katt. After the second fall is over Katt walks over to Cummings – lying on the mat hurting – and gives him a nasty kick in the balls.

BOUT 2: TOMMY LOPEZ VS. MICHAEL REUTER Reuter appears in Levi`s and nothing else. Tommy is in white trunks. Both grapple barefoot. If you are into aggressive action with heavy body punching, this match is for you. Both of these guys are seasoned and talented grapplers, and both go all out to defeat the other. Lopez wins. In a particularly delicious scene, after Reuter submits, Lopez strips Michael of his Levi`s, wraps them around his neck, and drags the wrestler nude across the ring and the gym floor into the locker room.

BOUT 3: ANDY BAILEY VS. JOHN ST. JAMES John is an 18-year-old wrestler from Minnesota, having hooked into BG Wrestling. Visiting from the East Coast was grappler Andy Bailey. Both are very talented wrestlers. Thom Katt was lurking outside the ring and at one point intervenes against St. James. St. James is double-teamed. There is a referee in this bout and Bailey doesn`t get away with these antics. He`s disqualified. (Scissor fans take note: Bailey loves this hold and scissors any appendage he can during the bout)

BOUT 4: STEVE “ROCKY” WATERS VS. JOHN BORSOS From the logging forests of the Pacific Northwest comes one tough son-of-a-bitch named Rocky Waters. This aggressive no-nonsense grappler is tested to the utmost against tough John Borsos. Several times Borsos clamps on solid scissor holds, but the wiry and amazingly strong Waters pries the holds apart. It`s kind of amazing but the more the match proceeds the stronger Waters becomes and the weaker Borsos gets. By the time Borsos gets trapped in a Water`s hammerlock, it`s all over for him.

BOUT 5: DANNY BROWN VS. ROMEO This was an amazing bout. These gymnast type wrestlers met for the first time in the ring. From the start the sexual energy connecting these two is real and raw. Danny Brown loves Romeo`s gorgeous butt. He goes for the ass; He slaps, sniffs, and buries his nose in it. He spanks it. Even though Romeo is bigger, BG believes he loves this treatment. Every now and then he`ll lift Danny into the air and throw him, but it`s sexual now. The two pull at each other`s trunks, sliding them this way, then that way. Balls, asses hang out. At first the grapplers adjust their trunks when this happens, but later they just forget about them and let them hang where they are. Danny wears white trunks, Romeo yellow. In the world of gay wrestling Danny knows how to deal with his opponents. Nudity.

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