CAST: Scott Summers, Zeke West, Cody Cummings
DIRECTOR: Jobe Zander
RELEASE DATE: 9/21/2016
Cody Cummings is something of a phenomenon in the wrestling world. In a world filled with imperfections, one could easily call Cummings PERFECT. Scott Summes and Zeke West appear, disrupting Cummings’ training time. Tale as old as time ensues, and West gleefully encourages Summers and Cummings, the smaller men here, to fight over the space.Summers and Cummings lock up at once, while West helps from the sidelines, brutalizing his the opponent of his buddy. Cummings hits the mat like a ton of bricks, while West and Summers tug-of-war with Cummings’ arms, practically pulling him apart in the process. Summers backs away for a moment, allowing big Zeke to lay into Summers for a while, only to pass him off to Summers again so that he can pin his arms behind his back, leaving him open for some first class abdominal abuse from West.
Suddenly West and Summers rekindle old rivalries, fighting like kids over Cummings.
“He’s mine!†they argue, begging more and more aggressive in pulling each other away from Cummings with increasing brutality. Cummings feeds into the sudden change in allegiances, turning his muscular frame against Summers, as West holds him in a hot as fuck scissor hold. Summers is the victim now, spitting threats of vengeance at his former buddy, who stands by and gleefully watches Cummings squeeze, punch, and toss Summers around until he’s pinned, grapevined, and begging to be allowed to breathe!
West is overwhelmed by the site of Cummings on Summers, laying his own sweaty body on top of Summers, which enrages the victorious Cummings. Now “backstabber†West is the victim, as his former friend and former foe tera into this huge, powerful body with aggressive anger. Who will come out on top in this three man muscle fightfest!